haha..i guess the title tells it all...just had a super leceh-meebo gossip session just now..hahaha..sempat lg nak gossip walaupun kerja berlmbak..didnt even start working yet for the day..wuahahaha..
anyway..hows ur v-day? special? romantik? well..for me...i lost my wallet! yes..my coach wallet..so i would definitely remember 14 february 2010 forever k..the day i masuk balai polis again to make a police report..sigh...so by tis week i need to go to maju junction and get my new ic and driving license...in the mean time, i will bw kete mcm org giler coz i dont have any identity card just a piece of paper from the police saying i have lost my wallet..perghhh
i'm not actually mad at the pencuri (who by the way sempat isi minyak 3 kali with my credit card)...now i am actually surfing for a new hand-bag (mestilah coach kann)..eh jap..yg hilang wallet..apsal nak beli new handbag? owh well..it comes with the package kot..hahaha..so new handbag and wallet...hurms..maybe beg office pon lah..hahahahaha..ok..sgt over..but me being me..always stay and think positive..benda dah lepas..nak wat ape kan..shopping lah a new one! ngeehehehehe
owh yes ladies...i did another stupid thing too.....since my life is soo pathetic kan...i decided to treat myself (this happen before my purse hilang)...i decided to buy a diamond necklace! wuaahahahahaha...tats not it...i bought a diamond ring too! ok..sah buang tebiat ok...but i'm loving it..parapapapaaaapppp!
tp tak la mahal maner...tp so happy plis! i bought my first diamond with my own duit gaji...wuahaha...now can go buy rumah already..i'm not sure but currently i like all the things that bling bling...huhuhuhu
ok..i havent meet with few of my babes yet...juggling between work and family and friends and acca is not EASY!!!! last last i tdo je..tdo is the best thing to do! woo hoo...oklah...need to start on my work...i think tis update enough for now..ok tak cikgu fiza??? gossip plis! hahahahahaha
3 more working days..and its the weekend..yeay!!!!