Wednesday, October 27, 2010

kena letak title ke?

my leg hurts. isk isk. driving to kl early in the morning is a no - no for me. this is because i tend to put my leg on the break pedal in the traffic rather than put the gear in N with hand breaks akibatnyer..lama kot kaki i kat break pedal tuh. i keluar rumah around 7.30ish tis morning and i reached Felda by 8.30ish..uwarrgghhhh..lenguh plis!!! now jalan sikit jer..bunyi 'ketak - ketak' je slalu..hahaha..i is tua k..

i wanna buy a new purse. i want! i want! but then, pikir pikir balik, i should invest on a laptop dun want a branded lappie bag..but i want a laptop bag yg boleh tarik tarik mcm handluggage tuh...wuahahaha..i know its like soo gediks but my shoulder hurts..tak larat kot nak angkat laptop tiap tiap hari...berat plis! nnt can decorate the bag with keychains..and stuffy stuffs..*ngeetttt* i tak reti nak cari bag tuh kat maner...i think..kat area sungai wang plaza ada kot! maybe sunway pyramid....*google how to go and park there..hurmmss*

i know nobody likes auditors. u can ask anyone in finance team in any company..mesti diorang ckp 'i tak suker bler auditor dtg..' or i can guarantee you that they will complains about auditors..i know nobody likes when their work is being scrutinized and audited..but its my job kot! i pon tak suker masuk each of my client and cari masalah je...i prefer a smooth, friendly, efficient and well-segregated finance team..but i guess thats too much to ask for lah..
world gonna be a better place and it starts with you. ok. i tried to use that phrase in audit. sooo tak jadi ok. i tried and still trying to be the baik auditor. work with client. client is always right. anything wrong, try to workout and solve it together. no marah-marah. no pandangan-maut. but no matter how nice i am. THEY STILL BULI ME!!!

i hate it when i ask for a document, they will gimme a document number and month of transaction, pastu cari sendiri plis! its still ok if its a monthly file of 1 file 1 month. tp if 4-5 files per month..pergh....even worse when client has a store room. 'cik alia, file ada dlm bilik nie, cari la sendiri k' ...rarrrr! paling paling benci kalau client's tempat file is the moving cabinet..berat kot! pastu today je mcm kena himpit byk kali k..coz the cabinet kan mcm moving..lebam plis! isk isk isk..

there are clients yg perli direct plis! 'alia, how are you expect me to work with you if your firm perception is to find client's mistakes (which btw, this is only rumours!)..obviously i wont work with you..' tolong advice how should i react on this statement? in my defence, we were there looking for loopholes coz each year we audit, each year jugaklah issues yg sama. no actions taken kot!! and yet they want a lower audit fees. pffttttt. menci. menci. sometimes, ada client kutuk tp tak sedar i duduk kat sebelah cubicle jerh. 'auditor dah dtg dah kak. ntah ape lar dier nak tanyer tahun nie. akak tak reti sgt pasal account nie. bwat bodoh je la bler auditor melayu tuh tanyer. dier suker tanyer soalan...' *speechless k*

dear client. plis stop buli me. i penat laaaa. tolong jgn nak emo emo i. i is baik. isk isk isk. you work with me. i work with you. ok?

a - all
u - u
d - do
i - is
t - think
o - of
r - resigning!!!!!

on relationship note: why do each time i taste a pinch of happiness , i need to swallow a tablespoon of pain...?? and i am certain that the tablespoon gonna be continuous :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think, u can stop being nice to THOSE people, gila kurang ajar kot!!! i mean, i've dealt with auditors too, yg tak ada manners mmg i rasa hoooot je kan, tp yg baik2, tanya elok2, i ok je, can fren2 wat....pfffttt...ceh, org2 akaun yg tak nak tolong u tu sebab dia takut la, thats y, JADI awak patut buat dia LEBIH takut dgn awak!!!! haaiiitt