Saturday, August 29, 2009


my eyes are sleepy. its been a week of ramadhan now. and finally today baru i buka posa makan nasi. so smgt makan nasi ayam summore. nasi ayam alia kan sedap *angkat bakul puji sendiri*. hahahaha. i have been sick, emotionally drained and tired of working for the past week. few days i buka posa at client's place. kurma and biscuits. by the time around 10 to 11ish balik, dah penat. terus tido. 100plus is my current vitamin. haah. tp alhamdullillah my makan mood is back today. no more sakit perut and such. yeay!

td finalize paperworks for insurance. kena lukis tempat kejadian kot! sebelum and selepas plis! of kos i akan letak mcm bunga2, rumput, burung, matahari, hahahaha. owh the car that i hit was perodua viva. so i am officialy declaring a war towards viva. say no to viva! now even tdo pon asyik teringt those seconds before the accident. haihhhh. *looking for a delete button on my head*

so now transport wise still working on it. so to my friends yang tak posa which indirectly mean tak solat terawikh, plis let me know coz i mite need teman berbicara while waiting for mom to pick me up after she finishes her solat terawikhs. ok? ok?

owh my area lutut/betis have few lebam lebam. terhantuk maner ntah pon tak sure. td solat br sedar. pretty sure sbb terlanggar handbreak saper ntah tuh..hahahahaha..tumpang-ing car is not fun!

owh todaykan my phone tertiba tunjuk reminder of sumthing....sort of anniversary lah..2 years ago...amiralia.....hahahaha..sumpah i nak tergelak tgk tat nickname...omg!!!! i was being sooo lame plis!

my office ada kuar kad raya. saper nak? sila kasi addy kat me plis! i smgt nak hantar nie. owh i have niat to send one to n*q*b (which from now onwards i will nickname him as he-who-shall-not-be-mentioned..ahah) for those close to me, knows that i did my best to be friends with him. i did msged him on friendster and response..i did txted him, no reply...i did called his house phone..and he answered..and we talked..for hours..and i just said, if its ok with you, maybe we could meet up and patch sum things..he never gimme a call back...even idzwan (tat guy from welly also known as baybee..ingt tak? he is my new best friend kat ofis ok)..said i did my best if he taknak..there isnt much i can do...owh apparently i slalu dpt updates abt him from faiz yatim kot his name..another pwcian but currently working in penang. he slalu je tegur2 me thru office chat. dah lar tak penah borak before tis, and his first pickup line was...'i'm sorry, i had to you aliawati, the chch girl, he-who-shall-not-be-mentioned ex?'..hahaha...terkedu kot i...but ape ape pon...i do hope things will be better between should i send kad raya to him?

can sumone tell me how to move on..? sumhow, along the way..i didnt believe in love and such thing called eternity..haah...

ps - ngantuk la..jom tido!


Anonymous said...

ha! jgn la declare war on brother n sister use viva wat!!!! teehee...u war dengan viva yg accident tu je la ok!

i think, tak pyh la anta kad raya tu alia, mcm over the river je..trying too hard, you know...

mcm mana nak move on? good question...

missy aleeya said...

haha..ok..ok..war against blue viva...okeyh? urs not blue kan??

over the river...? mcm JT's song cry me a river jerh...i loike JT!!! *out of topic*...we'll see..i'm good at doing sumthing stupid kan..hahahaha...

a good question with no answer...hohoho..

^^, said...

i guess u need to let ur heart close the old door, and open a new one la kot...but let it open only when the right person comes..yang paling penting, the old door must be tightly closed first...

yeah i know, easier said than done.hehe

anyhow, wish u best of health..alia cari kerja lain la pula...sian la tgk penat betul keje...

ok...slmt berpose lagi...

Anonymous said...

my brother one blue viva, my sister green..hehe....pls war dgn org tu je..ahakhak..eyh, how r u going to work?

my brother keluar rumah 645 sharp! i pun dia tinggalkan kalau lambat..gile kejam....

anyway, somehow, i have a feeling u will send the card anyway...hehehee

a guy with moustache said...

just move ur feet. u'll move on.